I believe sex is one of the most powerful weapons a marriage has. Sex as warfare is effective emotionally and spiritually.
I bet you're shaking your head or wondering why on Earth I would say sex should be a weapon. I'll explain.
Using sex against your spouse, withholding sex out of anger, or manipulating your spouse with sex is wrong and dangerous to your marriage. But using sex as warfare with your spouse is a powerful weapon.
Years ago my husband and went through a trying time. Our hearts were heavy, we were both emotionally spent. Yet, Holy Spirit nudged me and gently prompted me to reach out for an intimacy encounter with my husband. I can count it as one of the most intimate sexual experiences we have ever had. It was bonding, marriage strengthening, and soul tying.
Sex as a weapon of warfare is a powerful tool.
There is no better time to come together with your spouse in true yada intimacy than during tumultuous times.
Why Sex?
Ecclesiastes 4:12 tells us this, “Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken.”
Husband and wife in unity and agreement can stage a good defense, but coming together in yada intimacy under the blessing of God creates a strong, united cord that can withstand the storms of life.
When your life is under attack, fight back with the one thing exclusively bestowed on you and your spouse as an act of warfare – sex.
Sex as Part of the Healing Journey
When my husband and I were first married the shame and guilt of my promiscuous past kept me from truly enjoying yada intimacy with my husband. During my healing journey the Lord impressed upon me that full healing would come when I invited Him into our bedroom.
For so long in my life sex had nothing to do with God but only blind selfish desire. As I walked through restoration inviting God into our bedroom not only showed my intimacy I never knew before but it delivered a swift and crushing blow the Devil's lies keeping me in bondage.
I realize for survivors of sexual abuse or rape sex can be a painful reminder of the trauma you endured. It may take along time for you to overcome but don't discount the warfare that comes with right and pure intimacy. When you're ready it God will be with you.
Sex as Part of Unity
More than just two bodies come together in a sexual encounter. Souls are knitted together. Spirits intertwine in with Holy Spirit into the unbreakable cord of three strands.
Coming together with your husband during hard times gives you an opportunity to be one even during arguments, disagreements, or stressful situations.
I once had a budget coaching client tell me that when she and her husband committed to working on their finances they seemed to argue more than ever over, “stupid, petty stuff.” Once they recognized this they agreed to never let the small stuff interfere with their sex life. They purposed to have sex more often than before and especially when they felt at odds over money.
This act of unity, held them together in tough times and destroyed the enemy's plan to keep them in financial bondage.
Sex as An Act of Worship
There is no better way to use sex as warfare than when you and your spouse understand that sex is an act of worship to our King. The One who designed and delights in our marital intimacy is worshiped when we engage in making love to our spouse with a pure heart and engaged mind.
Think about those times when you are neck deep in emotional turmoil, stress, or despair. What does worship do for you in those times? It refresh, resets, and restores. It draws out truth and sends darkness fleeing.
The same is true for your marriage. Sex as worship is warfare in action sending the Devil fleeing and refreshing, restoring, and resetting your connection with your spouse.
God has given you many tools in your spiritual warfare tool belt. But none do more for your marriage than sexual intimacy with your spouse. Sex is a liberating, exclusive tool given to husband and wife by the King. Use sex as warfare to defeat the enemy and strengthen your marriage.
Use it well!
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